DTM_EP209_121619_LF final


Ep. 209 - "It's Not You, It's Me"


Green Rev. (12/16/19)

INT. STATE PENITENTIARY - VISITING ROOM - LATER Judy and Elinor, still talking. The vibe is decidedly lighter as the two women become more comfortable with each other. ELINOR You’re living in Laguna? Fancy, fancy! Who’s the fella? JUDY No, no fella. I live with my friend Jen and her two boys, Charlie and Henry. ELINOR Oh. You don’t have your own family? JUDY No. But I have them. ELINOR Well, motherhood’s overrated anyway. Beat. Judy fidgets, trying not to feel hurt by that comment. A LARGE SECURITY GUARD (FRANK) addresses Elinor. FRANK Two minutes. ELINOR Aw, Franky can I have a lil more? Catching up with my daughter. Isn’t she beautiful? FRANK I see the resemblance. (then, sotto) You can have five. Just this once. ELINOR Thanks. Don’t think I didn’t notice that haircut. Frank smiles at her, as Elinor turns back to Judy. JUDY

I don’t know how you do it. Still making friends everywhere you go. ELINOR You need ‘em in this place.

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