Ep. 209 - "It's Not You, It's Me"
Green Rev. (12/16/19)
A few titters and surprised looks from the crowd. This is the closest thing to excitement this city council has ever seen. BERNARD Well, I’m sorry but this is the Median Hearing. JEN Well, now we’re talking about stop signs. BERNARD That request was unfortunately denied because stop signs slow down traffic. JEN Yeah, that’s the point. A board member coughs, uncomfortably. BERNARD
After review, the board felt it could actually do more harm than good. JEN Who is a stop sign going to harm? Some asshole who bought a Lambo to compensate for his micro-dick? BERNARD Miss, there’s no need for that kind of-- JEN No. No. Don’t “miss” me. That’s so annoying. I’m a full grown fucking woman.
A tiny snicker from the audience. JEN (CONT'D)
And I have a teenage son who’s about to get his driver’s license. I’m just trying to protect him, and make the neighborhood a little bit safer for him and for all of you. Another board member, who looks vaguely familiar (ANDREW PETERS from last season Ep. 108), pipes in.
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