Ep. 209 - "It's Not You, It's Me"
Green Rev. (12/16/19)
JUDY Hi. This is for you. PEREZ Ms. Hale-- JUDY I feel like you can call me Judy by now. PEREZ I don’t. JUDY Oh. Well-- I brought you something.
Judy hands Perez the gift. Perez opens it. It’s a small framed sketch that Judy has drawn of FLO, Michelle’s mom. JUDY (CONT'D) It’s Flo. I heard she’s feeling better-- (then, quick)
Not from Michelle-- she won’t return my texts, which is really hurtful-- PEREZ Seriously?
Judy relents.
(re: gift) Thank you for this. Perez returns to her work. Judy persists. JUDY You’re welcome. (then)
I was also hoping you could do me a favor. PEREZ You think you’re in a position to ask me for favors? JUDY Probably not, but it’s about my paintings. I’m looking for them. It’s a whole collection of little girls with holes in their hearts--
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