DTM_EP209_121619_LF final


Ep. 209 - "It's Not You, It's Me"


Green Rev. (12/16/19)


PEREZ (weirded out)

Uh huh.

JUDY I know they sound weird, but they’re worth something. And the last time I saw them was at Steve’s gallery-- PEREZ Stop talking. I have something to show you. (calls) Prager. Perez looks incredulously at an unseen person. NICK crosses over from a nearby desk, startling Judy. NICK Hello Judy. JUDY (cauhght off guard) Heyyy Nick. Nice to see you back in uniform. NICK Is it? Nick turns his phone to her, revealing SEVERAL PHOTOS OF CHARLIE DRIVING STEVE’S MERCEDES. PEREZ Can you do me a favor, and explain to me what’s going on in these photos? JUDY (panic) That’s not what it looks like. NICK That’s not Charlie Harding with Steve Wood’s car? JUDY Charlie has nothing to do with anything about Steve. Perez and Nick exchange a look.

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