DTM_EP209_121619_LF final


Ep. 209 - "It's Not You, It's Me"


Green Rev. (12/16/19)

INT. JUDY’S CAR - SAME Suddenly, Judy lets out A GUTTURAL SCREAM. She WAILS. But not at Jen. At herself. She starts to hit herself, hard, like we’ve seen her do in her private moments alone in the bathroom. Jen watches through the windshield, horrified. Jen crosses and gets into the passenger seat as Judy begins to weep. Jen envelops her in her arms, stopping Judy’s self- flagellating tirade. Jen holds her tight until Judy relents and gives in to the hug, sobbing in Jen’s arms. JEN (gently) It’s okay, it’s okay... JUDY (through tears) It’s not okay. PRE-LAP: “It’s Just a Matter of Time” by Brook Benton. INT. JEN’S HOUSE - JEN’S BEDROOM - A LITTLE LATER A worn out Judy sleeps, curled up in Jen’s bed. Jen pulls up the covers over her, brushing the hair out of her face. It’s sweet, maternal. But there’s a look in Jen’s eyes that belies the tender moment. As the song continues, we see: INT. JEN’S HOUSE - KITCHEN - LATER -Jen, at the kitchen island, puts a letter into an envelope and writes “Charlie” on it. INT. JEN’S HOUSE - HENRY’S ROOM – SAME -Jen kisses Henry, sleeping in bed, and takes the broken bird out of his little hand. INT. GUEST HOUSE - LATER -Jen enters and opens the safe-- revealing THE GUN. She puts the broken bird inside, then removes something else from the safe, unseen, with steely resolve.

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