Ep. 209 - "It's Not You, It's Me"
Green Rev. (12/16/19)
No I’m not. Ben steps forward and gently takes her hands in his. She stiffens. BEN
Feels like you are a little. And I get it. You’re with a new person, it’s weird, it’s scary--
He has no idea.
BEN (CONT'D) --And I think all we can really do is dance it out. JEN What? BEN I think we should dance it out.
Ben sweetly takes her into a slow dance. She relents. He starts singing a little made up song into her ear as he gently moves her around the room, doing a little two step. Jen can’t help but give in for a moment, even as she’s dying inside. BEN (CONT'D)
You’re wigging out/ And that’s alright/ It’s normal to spin out when someone new spends the night/ Especially when he’s a nerdy
chiropractor/ But maybe it would help to know one little factor/ He thinks you’re incredible/ And... Ben breaks singing and looks at her adoringly. BEN (CONT'D) Coming up short with a rhyme for incredible. Jen pulls away. JEN I can’t do this. BEN Indelible! There it is.
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