April Digital Magazine-Jacobi | NCB

Celebrating Patient Experience Week

We are proud to share that our Person-Centered Expo was a great success on Wednesday, April 26, with close to 1,000 visitors!

Many thanks to our Patient-Centered Care Expo planning team, who worked tirelessly to create this highly engaging event! Excitement can be seen on their faces as they enthusiastically jump into our fun activities. Staff indulged with neck and back massages from our lavender-scented Zen tent, sampled our latest plant- based eggplant crostini bites, and pitched in to color our hand-crafted posters with original animation characters who embraced the words "Better Together." Many learned our most advanced application in safety called "SOS," which can be activated from any computer in an emergency. Stand Up Against Violence Resources were made available for anyone interested in learning about their robust program. Others enjoyed visiting our Patient Relations table, where they were able to learn to speak to patients in sign language. Visitors were also invited to learn about our latest projects co-designed by patients and staff, such as our new and improved whiteboards and how to join our Patient Family Partnership Council. The JEDI (Jacobi Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) and ERG (Employee Resource Group) table also offered resources for staff to explore their interest in building a more inclusive culture at Jacobi. The Planetree Academy of Person-Centered Care housed a variety of experiential training that included a communication tool method called the "Heart Head Heart" sandwich, Teach Back and Six Word Story project, which asked staff why they chose to work in healthcare, thus connecting what we do with purpose and meaning. Patient-Centered Care means caring for our patients, staff, and community. We wanted to share many of the resources Jacobi offers while engaging in activities with music, dancing, arts, and experiential learning. We were able to establish this, with more to come!

Please look for our Happy Kart on Wheels, as our Planetree Academy of Person-Centered Care training will expand throughout the hospital!

Those who complete their training from the Academy will receive a special gift for their participation! For more information, please get in touch with Donna at donna.geiss@nyhchhc.org or Barbara at footeb@nychhc.org .

Please note our Planetree on-site visit will be on June 6, June 7, and June 8. Please join us in delivering our best services at Jacobi! More to come soon!

NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi | April 2023

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