Breaking Bad - pilot


The front door of walt's house opens. Out steps a big, barrel-chested man with a bourbon in one hand. This is HANK, Walt's brother-in-law. Hank raises his glass hello. He taps his watch and shakes his head -- you're late.

EXT. APPLEBEE'S - NIGHT Deep suburbia. The shiny Volvo SUV is parked in foreground.

INT. APPLEBEE'S - NIGHT Family night in this chain restaurant. Walt, Skyler and Walter, Jr. sit in a corner booth with Hank and his wife MARIE. Marie is Skyler's sister. We see the resemblance.

HANK Amir, this guy's name is? Jesus. Call Homeland Security. MARIE Hank ••• HANK

I'm serious. Call the FBI, see if he's legal. Might not be. Ship his ass back to Camel-Land. Hank shoots a winning grin at his nephew. Walter, Jr. snorts with delight as he chews a mouthful of hamburger. SKYLER (flat)

I don't know, Hank. Do they actually have camels in Iran? MARIE No. Horses. Arabian stallions. HANK Arabian what? Jesus. Camels, horses -:-;-towel-head is a towel-head. You're missing my••• (interrupts himself) ••• And they're not Arabian anyway, they're Persian. But you're missing my point here. This guy is treating your husband like uh, you know. Door mat. Here Walt is, got a brain the size of Wisconsin and he's shampooing dried cum outta some teenager's back seat?

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