Obscured by the computer, Skyler gives Walt a vigorous handjob with one hand and works the mouse with the other. SKYLER Just relax. Just ••• close your eyes and let it••• Skyler glances again at her husband. Apparently, there's no mighty oak sprung from whence the lowly acorn lies. SKYLER Just close your eyes. walt does so, concentrating. Trying hard. Tugging away, Skyler's attention drifts back to the computer. Completely. SKYLER That's it. That's ••• it.
There you go. Keep going. Keep going. Keep it going. Keep••• (reacting to the screen) Yes! Fifty-six.
Walt's eyes open. The thrill is gone.
EXT. CALTECH CAMPUS - DAY Old Pasadena. Wide greenbelts and dark magnolias. The sign says "Jet Propulsion Laboratory." Einstein was a visiting professor at Caltech, once upon a time. This place looks it. INT. JPL - DAY MARS fills frame, stark red rocks and red sand. We PAN OFF this blow-up of Martian terrain -- we're in a hallway mounted with two dozen such photos, big and striking. Small in the distance stands Walt. He's not looking at any of these photos. He's down an adjacent hallway, staring at something else, instead. CLOSER ANGLE - WALT He's studying names engraved on an old plaque. It's a list of grad students awarded a particular research grant. Closer. "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 1988 -- Walter H. White." Walt stares at his own name on the plaque. We can't read his thoughts, but we can guess at them.
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