EXT. COW PASTURE - DAY Deep blue sky overhead. Fat, scuddy clouds. Below them, black and white cows graze the rolling hills. This could be one of those California "It's The Cheese" commercials. Except those commercials don't normally focus on cow We do. TILT DOWN to a fat, round PATTY drying olive the sun. Flies buzz. Peaceful and quiet. until••• shit. drab in ZOOOM! WHEELS plow right through the shit with a SPLAT. NEW ANGLE - AN RV Is speeding smack-dab through the pasture, no road in sight. A bit out of place, to say the least. It's an old 70's era Winnebago with chalky white paint and Bondo spots. A bumper sticker for the Good Sam Club is stuck to the back. The Winnebago galumphs across the landscape, scattering cows. It catches a wheel and sprays a rooster tail of red dirt.
INT. WINNEBAGO - DAY Inside, the DRIVER's knuckles cling white to got the pedal flat. Scared, breathing fast. wide behind the faceplate of his gas mask.
the wheel. He's His eyes bug
Oh, by the way, he's wearing a GAS MASK. That, and white jockey UNDERPANTS. Nothing else. Buckled in the seat beside him lolls a clothed PASSENGER, also wearing a gas mask. Blood streaks down from his ear, blotting his T-shirt. He's passed out cold. Behind them, the interior is a wreck. Beakers and buckets and flasks -- some kind of ad-hoc CHEMICAL LAB -- spill their noxious contents with every bump we hit. Yellow-brown liquid washes up and down the floor. It foams in a scum around••• ••. Two DEAD BODIES. Two freshly deceased Mexican guys tumble like rag dolls, bumping into each other.
Completing this picture is bag lies leaking twenties. wafts around in the air or
the blizzard of MONEY. A Von's Fifteen, twenty grand in cash floats in the nasty brown soup.
CLOSE on the driver's eyes. He's panting like a steam engine. His mask FOGS UP until finally he can't see.
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