Breaking Bad - pilot


We've snapped out of it. The SOUND in the room is normal. No more SLOW-MOTION. Walt looks up from the man's lapel. WALT Yeah. DR. BELKNAP Did you •• ? You understood what I've said to you? WALT Yeah. Multiple myeloma. Stage 3. (a beat) Best-case scenario, with chemo, I'll live another two years. (off the man's gaze) Walt points. Belknap glances down at the spot on his lapel, then back up at Walt. He has no idea what to say to that. Off Walt, looking very matter-of-fact ••• disconcertingly so: INT. VELVET-TOUCH CAR WASH - OFFICE - EVENING Same clothes, same day -- Walt came to work straight from getting his terrible news. He's on autopilot, standing behind the cash register. The BUZZ is back in his head. Amir is in the b.g., arguing on the phone in Farsi. The sound is muted. We can barely hear him. We don't know what he's yelling about anyway -- it's pointless, doesn't matter. We're on Walt, who simply stares into space. It's just, you've got mustard on your ••• you've got mustard there. No customers. Walt suddenly jerks, like a tiny zap of electricity goes through him. He steps out from behind the counter and exits. Amir doesn't notice him leave. As seen through the windows, Walt pads along like a zombie and nearly gets run over by a car. The vatos all watch, confused, as Walt climbs in his Nissan and drives away. INT. NISSAN SENTRA - DRIVING - EVENING Walt drives. Not speeding. No expression on his face. His POV: it's a straight shot up the 10 Freeway. The familiar TRIPLE OVERPASS looms ahead in the distance. Walt stares at it like it's the monolith in "2001."

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