EXT. OVERPASS - CONTINUOUS An AERIAL VIEW, looking straight down at this vast and complex concrete knot. Walt's tiny Nissan is an ant trundling toward it. The car disappears from view underneath, as if being swallowed.
A glass of white wine. Sky1er stands talking on the phone. SKYLER (into phone) Absolutely. I sent it to you on the third. It's number••• wait a minute, let me get my checkbook. She cups a hand over the phone, does nothing. After a beat: SKYLER (into phone)
Here it is. It's check number 1148. So mY records show I paid that, and I certainly don't feel like we owe any late••• (listens)
Alright. I guess then I'll check with my bank and, I don't know, if the post office lost it or something.•• alright then. Let me look into that. Thank you. Walt enters, hearing the tail-end. Skyler hangs up. SKYLER You're home early.
His fingers tremble a doesn't notice --
Walt nods, finds a beer in the fridge. little as he pries off the cap. Skyler she's sifting through a stack of bills.
Walt sits at the table. He drinks deep, rubs his mouth. SKYLER How was your day? WALT You know. Same.
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