EXT. WHITE HOUSE - DAWN Early morning. A faint glow in the sky. Silence except for the THWACK••• THWACK of the NEWSPAPER GUY driving past. INT. WHITE HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAWN walt sits alone at the kitchen table, staring into space. Deep in thought. Considering something carefully. He rises, picks up the phone and dials. Keeps his voice low. WALT Hank? Hey, it's Walt. I didn't wake you, did I? (a beat)
Good. Listen, I've been thinking. Could I take you up on your offer? The ride-along?
A different morning -- these things take time to set up. We're in a neighborhood not unlike Walt's. A non-descript Ford is parked at the curb, blended in with the other cars. HANK (O.S.)
It's down there on the cul-de-sac. White? Kinda redwood-looking trim?
INT. FORD - MORNING - CONTINUOUS Hank sits behind the wheel. A subordinate agent, GOMEZ, is beside him. Hank is pointing out the TARGET HOUSE to Walt, who sits in the back seat in an ill-fitting bulletproof vest. HANK See it? WALT Yeah. Tiny house, a block down the street. Not at all noteworthy. WALT (quiet interest) That's a meth lab.
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