Dupree peers into the darkness beyond Walt, wonders who else is out there. His hand tightens around the tire iron. DUPREE I don't know what you're talking about. WALT No? DUPREE No freakin' clue. WALT Huh. Cap'n Cook? That's not you? (off his head shake) Like I said, no one's looking for you. I didn't tell anyone. Dupree grows more agitated. His voice stays low. DUPREE I don't know what you think you're doing here, Mr. White. If you're planning on giving me some bullshit about getting right with Jesus or something, turning myself in -- WALT No. Not really. DUPREE You ain't "Welcome Back, Kotter," so step off. No speeches. Dupree points the tire iron for emphasis. Walt should leave, but he doesn't. Instead••• WALT Short speech. You lost your partner today. What's-his-name, Emilio? Emilio's going to prison. The D.E.A. took your money, your lab. You got nothing. Square one. But you know the business, and I know the chemistry. I'm thinking. Maybe you and I ••• partner up. Long, pregnant silence. Dupree can't believe his ears.
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