Yeah. I do.
WALT No, you don't. An Erlenmeyer flask is for general mixing and titration. You do not apply heat to an Erlenmeyer flask. That's what the boiling flask is for. Did you not learn anything in my chemistry class? DUPREE No. You flunked me, remember? Prick? And let me tell you something else -- this shit ain't chemistry. This shit is art. Cooking is art. The shit I cook is the bomb, so don't be telling ~! WALT The shit you cook is shit. I saw your setup. Ridiculous. (firm) You and I will not make garbage. We will produce a chemically pure and stable product that performs as advertised. No adulterants. No baby formula. No chili powder. DUPREE Chili P's my signature!
Walt shakes his head -- not anymore. DUPREE
Yeah, well we'll see about that. The hell's all this?
He pulls out heavy LAB APRONS, GLOVES, RESPIRATORS. These are the respirators we saw Walt and Dupree wearing in the Teaser (Dupree was Walt's unconscious PASSENGER, by the way). WALT Lab safety. We're also gonna have an emergency eye wash station. These chemicals and their fumes are toxic or didn't you know that? Dupree holds up an apron, snorts.
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