DUPREE Acting like some skippy little bitch. Like this is fun and games. This shit is shit you take -- serious. walt suppresses his anger, stares at him evenly. WALT Life and death.
Chemicals, labware, supplies -- the last of the carload of stuff Walt brought gets packed into a back corner of Dupree's messy old garage. Dupree covers it with a tarp. DUPREE This doesn't stay more than a day. WALT What, aren't we gonna cook here? DUPREE
No, we're not gonna cook here. This is my house. I don't shit where I eat. WALT Then where are we going to work? DUPREE
You tell me. This is your deal, man. You wanna smoke it up, smoke it up at your house. (off Walt's look) Nah. I didn't think so. Oh, well. Silence as Walt considers. Stubs at the dirt with his heel. WALT
What if we rented a self-storage place? One of those little orange garages? Worked out of there? DUPREE Nah, they're onto that. They got dogs that sniff around. (grudgingly) RV. That's what you want.
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