W~T I'm forty-one.
DUPREE It's weird, is all. It doesn't compute. If you're like••• crazy or something••• if you've gone crazy, or depressed. I'm just saying. That's something I need to know about. That affects me.
Walt stares at Dupree a long time, considers how to answer.
W~T I am.•• awake.
DUPREE (a confused beat)
What? Walt pulls the handle, opens his passenger door.
W~T Buy the RV. We start tomorrow. Walt gets in his old Nissan, parked beside the Daytona. Off Dupree, worriedly watching him go: CUT TO: INT. DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT It's tight in here. Familiar CRUTCHES lean against the wall. Walter, Jr. sits on a bench, struggling to pull a stiff new pair of off-brand jeans over his bare legs. SKYLER (O.S.) How you coming in there? W~TER, JR. Fine. Anything but. Young Walter works at it valiantly, but the design of this room is giving him trouble. He won't ask for help and his folks know it. After a while: SKYLER (O.S.) You want me or your Dad? W~TER, JR. (gives up; annoyed) Dad.
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