EXT. COW PASTURE - AFTERNOON Black and white cows graze in f.g. We drift off them and focus on a stand of WOODS in the distance.
EXT. WOODS - AFTERNOON Familiar to us from the Teaser, the old WINNEBAGO off a dirt road. Dupree's Daytona is here, too. the middle of nowhere. There's nobody around for
is parked We're in miles.
The Winnie's screen door around. Breathes deep. impatiently taps against
opens. Walt steps He's got a plastic his leg. Waiting.
out, looks COAT HANGER he
with a faint CRUNCH of leaves, Dupree appears. He's clomping toward us, carrying binoculars. DUPREE
Nothing but cows. Got some big cow-house way over that way, like two miles. But I don't see nobody. WALT "Cow-house?" DUPREE (shrug) Where they live. The cows. Whatever, man. Shit yeah, let's cook here.
Dupree walks off, attends to something in his car. Walt hangs his coat hanger on the RV's awning. He unclips his tie, slides it in his breast pocket. He unbuttons his short sleeve dress shirt, hangs it on the hanger. Dupree wanders back in time to see Walt climb out of his TROUSERS and hang them up. Dupree stops dead in his tracks. DUPREE What. Are you doing? WALT These are my good clothes. I can't go home smelling like a meth lab. Dupree shakes his head, weirded-out. Walt, stripped down to his UNDERPANTS, climbs into the Winnebago.
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