Breaking Bad - pilot


WALT c'mon, I've only got till six.

He disappears inside. Dupree considers, then reaches in his jacket pocket for ••• a MINI-CAMCORDER (the one we remember from the Teaser). Grinning, he follows Walt into the RV. CUT TO: BLACK SCREEN with a DING, up comes a live VIDEO IMAGE of Walt, his back to us. He wears a lab apron, rubber gloves and safety glasses. His respirator is propped on his forehead. We are: INT. WINNEBAGO - AFTERNOON And we're watching Dupree's CAMCORDER POV of Walt at work. Walt is crushing scads of sinus pills in a mortar and pestle. This place is packed tight with lab equipment and supplies. We hear Dupree SNICKERING o.s. He ZOOMS IN on Walt's underpants, which show through the back of his apron. DUPREE (O.S.) This is a good look for you. You're maybe only the world's second-biggest homo. WALT Shut up and give me a hand here. Walt glances back at us, notices the camcorder. He reaches straight into lens, tussling for it. It goes BLACK. WALT (0. S. ) Gimme that goddamned -- The screen goes to STATIC. BAM! -- as we bring up MUSIC: Shit! INT. WINNEBAGO - AFTERNOON - MONTAGE Edited to the BEAT of some very hip, driving SONG, we see various ANGLES and JUMP-CUTS of Walt cooking meth, assisted by Dupree. Hours are compressed into seconds here. For those of us who grew up watching "The A-Team," this is that scene they'd always do where the A-Team builds a tank or a jet plane out of spare parts. Same feeling, same energy except here, our guys are making highly illegal drugs.

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