DUPREE Huh? See? Crystal so big, look like somebody broke a window. Look like you'd cut your nose off. Try it.
Krazy takes a whiff of the open baggie, considers. He scoops a taste into his pinkie nail and snorts it up his nostril. DUPREE BOO-YAH! See? What I say? Krazy squints his eyes, rubs his nose. Jesus -- rocket fuel. KRAZY-B That's alright. (eyeing him) So, what? You back in business? DUPREE Hell, yeah I'm back! with a vengeance I Nigga gotta make a living! And with your cousin gone away and all ••• (changes gears) Yeah, I talked to him. He says when the feds came, you were out stickin' it in some neighbor lady. DUPREE (shrugs; smiles) Hey, you know. I got lucky twice. KRAZY-B Yeah? I dunno, man. Emilio •• ? (dark) He thinks maybe you dimed on him. Dupree's expression clouds over, surprised and offended. DUPREE That is bullshit. That is bullshit, Krazy-B! I should kick And listen homes, about that. It really broke me up about Emilio. Dude is like my brother. (mournful) He okay? You talk to him? KRAZY-B
his punk ass for even thinking that. Next time you talk to Emilio, you tell him for me.
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