Breaking Bad - pilot


He holds up a plastic Von's bag. This is the CASH we saw blowing around in the Teaser. Krazy glances around, casual. KRAZY-8 So. You're out here all by yourself, huh?

Walt doesn't like the question. Doesn't answer. watching the Cutlass now -- wondering why Dupree, the back seat with the third man, hasn't moved.

He's sitting in

The third man, EMILIO, climbs out now. He's got a look on his face that tells us he's just realized who Walt is. EMILIO Shit. You're that guy. (to Krazy-8) The D.E.A••• he was there with the goddamned D.E.A! OFF Walt -- uh-oh. Confusion all around. Rising anxiety. Emilio turns on Dupree, still seated in the car. EMILIO Goddamned rata snitch! Emilio's reaching for his gun. That's enough for Dupree he throws open the far door, takes off into the woods. DUPREE RUN, MR. WHITE! RUN ! As he yells this over his shoulder -- BAM! Dupree plows headlong into a TREE. He collapses, knocked cold. Walt doesn't go anywhere. Krazy-8 pulls his gun immediately, points it at him. pistols drawn, the two cousins look back and forth between unconscious Dupree and Walt, who's got his hands up. Motionless silence. The cousins expect feds to come swarming out of the trees at any second. None do. The cousins relax a touch. Dupree softly MOANS. EMILIO Asshole. (to Krazy-8) Cap 'em both. That's what I say. Krazy-8 lights a cigarette, thinks about it. Walt stands nervous, but stoic. He's already come to grips with dying,

and he's not going to plead for his life. Krazy blows smoke, studies Walt closely.

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