KRAZY-8 Yo. You really cook that batch?
Walt nods, his hands still raised. KRAZY-8
You an artist. It's a damn shame. He raises his pistol, about to fire -- Emilio, too. WALT
W-What if I showed you my secret? Every cook's got his recipe --what if I taught you mine? (off their silence) Let us both live, I'll teach you.
Emilio looks to Krazy-8, who's weighing it. It's attractive. Off Krazy, blowing smoke:
EXT. WINNEBAGO - MINUTES LATER CLOSE ON Dupree, face-down and blotto. Emilio finishes hog-tying his wrists, then gives him a KICK in the head for good measure. Emilio walks to the RV in b.g. INT. WINNEBAGO - CONTINUOUS Walt prepares his tools and materials. Krazy-8 stands behind him, arms crossed, gun in hand, watching his every move. Emilio climbs aboard, joins his cousin. WALT Put out the cigarette. Krazy-8 considers, then pokes his cig through the louvered slats of a window and flicks it outside. EXT. WINNEBAGO - CONTINUOUS CLOSE -- it lands behind the RV, a few red sparks flying. We CREEP IN on the butt as it lies smoldering in the WEEDS. INT. WINNEBAGO - CONTINUOUS CLOSE -- POOF! A hot plate flames to life as Walt ignites the gas. Walt runs a finger across his neatly arranged jars of ingredients. He stops on one -- RED PHOSPHORUS.
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