Breaking Bad - pilot


LOW ANGLE - DUPREE Lies drifting in and out of consciousness. Walt -- in his underpants, black shoes and socks -- runs to him. Walt yanks a RESPIRATOR onto Dupree's face, then drags him out of frame. ANGLE - THE RV The flames of the brush fire are licking the back bumper. The engine ROARS alive, the exhaust pipe belching blue smoke.

The fire is blocking the dirt road now. lurches forward and takes off overland. from the awning -- a tree branch knocks

The Winnebago Walt's clothes swing loose his TROUSERS.

EXT. COW PASTURE - DAY (REPEATED FOOTAGE) Pastoral. Quiet. COW SHIT bakes in the sun, then gets RUN OVER with a SPLAT. We're full-circle back to the Teaser. The Winnebago galumphs across the landscape, scattering cows. INT. WINNEBAGO - DAY (REPEATED FOOTAGE) Walt drives in his underpants and his gas mask, his knuckles white on the wheel. Unconscious Dupree slumps beside him. Behind, the dead cousins slide to and fro amidst the sloshing ruins of the meth lab. Their CASH flutters in the breeze. Walt hyperventilates. His mask FOGS UP. BAM! He crashes, violently JERKING FORWARD into lens. The frame goes BLACK. CUT TO: EXT. COW PASTURE - DAY - MINUTES LATER We start on BLACK, then PULL OUT of the barrel of Walt's gun. We find ourselves where the Teaser left off -- Walt is aiming past us, standing in his shirt and tie and underpants. SIRENS are wailing. We see RED LIGHTS flashing just over top of the weeds. They're racing our way. Walt has second thoughts. What the hell is he doing? He's not going to shoot anybody. The ferocity leaks out of him. Despair settles in in its place.

Sirens --BLARING. mouth, winces hard.

Fuck it. He sticks the muzzle in his He YANKS THE TRIGGER.

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