Breaking Bad - pilot


SKYLER Whatever it is, I'll tell you

this. I do not like it when you don't talk to me. The worst thing you can do is shut me out. WALT I'm••• I understand. I'm fine. She stares at him in the darkness. He stares at her. relief to be alive, It's fear of being of taking risks. It's excitement, in many different forms. And since he can't talk about it, there's only one way to let it out. walt kisses his wife. Passionately. A strange feeling comes over him. It's mixed with dread that life won't last. caught. It's the thrill -- for once -- He keeps to him. panties, Walt ••• kissing her. Gently rolls her so that her back is out of sight under the covers, he fumbles with her pulls them down. Surprised as hell, Skyler nonetheless allows it. She feels around behind her. SKYLER Oh my God. Is that you? SKYLER It sure is. The mighty oak. Walt enters her -- Skyler's eyes pop wide, and we CUT TO BLACK. Over the sounds of HEAVY BREATHING and the SQUEAK-SQUEAK-SQUEAKING of bed springs ••• ••• FADE UP CREDITS.


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