Breaking Bad - pilot


INT. WHITE HOUSE - KITCHEN - MORNING Walt is dressed for work -- Dockers and a short-sleeve dress shirt courtesy of Target. An American flag pin on his tie. He and Skyler eat their breakfast in silence. Skyler glances up, sees Walt puzzling over his bacon. SKYLER Sizzle-Lean. We need to think about our cholesterol. WALT Huh. Skyler's cute in a way most guys wouldn't have noticed back in high school. But not soft-cute. Not in the eyes. She's dressed for staying home -- she's five months pregnant and just beginning to show. SKYLER When'll you be home? WALT Same time. SKYLER I don't want him dicking you around Seventeen year-old WALTER, JR. enters the kitchen, dressed for school, hair still damp from the shower. The CLICK••• CLICK of his forearm crutches precedes him into the room. Walt and Skyler's son is a sweet-faced teenager who appears to have cerebral palsy. He moves slowly and awkwardly, and grinds his teeth as he labors to talk. But he's a smart kid. WALT Hey. tonight. You get paid till six, you work till six. Not seven. Just seating himself at the table is a trial for Walter, Jr. His parents don't give him the slightest help. They treat him as if he were able-bodied, which is how he wants it. SKYLER You're late. He shrugs. She gets up, serves him breakfast. Walter, Jr. squints at the plate she plops down before him.

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