The National Anthem Pink Script - slight shift.fdx

Black Mirror 'The National Anthem' - Pink Script - 1/8/2011 - 29.

LAUREN Would they use a female pig? PIKE (nodding) It’s on the list.

Lauren looks a bit blank. BRIAN

The list of rules at the end of the video. Specifies camera angles and everything. PIKE Like Dogme 95. BRIAN (exasperated) It’s not like Dogme 95. PIKE It’s exactly like it! LAUREN What’s Dogme 95? BRIAN


A cinematic movement. PIKE Lars Von Trier. LAUREN Oh. That means nothing to her. Oh Vienna. BRIAN

A list of rules for directors; nae background music, only use natural light and so on. LAUREN To save electricity? PIKE (for a laugh) Yeah. BRIAN (exasperatedly cutting him off) For authenticity. PIKE (to Brian) Same as these rules.


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