The National Anthem Pink Script - slight shift.fdx

Black Mirror 'The National Anthem' - Pink Script - 1/8/2011 - 36.

Tom Bilce approaches; the PM’s face indicates that he knows * he shouldn’t be smoking but is going to anyway. * TOM Have they gone in yet? MICHAEL Think I’d be here if they had? * TOM

I’ve got statements for either outcome. Listen. The coverage is very sympath--

Michael holds a hand up.

MICHAEL I can’t think about coverage now. TOM Of course. Although of course Michael is thinking about it now.


MICHAEL But it’s on-side? TOM Strong undercurrent of sympathy. Every poll indicates public understanding; disgust with the captor, outrage at the whole thing, but not at you.

Tom checks no-one’s listening.


TOM (CONT’D) (lowered voice, indicating operation room)

Fact is, if Walker’s team fuck up -- not that they will but if they do -- the public anticipate non-

compliance from us. There’d be squawks from the ‘usuals’ but... It’s not ‘England Expects’. (even lower voice) If he kills her, there’s no blood on your hands. Bottom line. Michael thinks about that. He flicks the remains of his cigarette out the window, pats Tom on the shoulder.

* * * * *


(indicating window)

Close that will you?

Michael returns to his desk.


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