Black Mirror 'The National Anthem' - Pink Script - 1/8/2011 -
SUSANNAH ... can’t... please... I don’t want to die. She dissolves into sobs. We hear fast off-camera typing. ELECTRONIC VOICE Continue to read the statement. Susannah looks back at the lens. SUSANNAH There is only one demand. And it is a simple one. At 4pm this afternoon Prime Minister Michael Callow must appear on live television, on all British networks -- terrestrial and satellite -- and... no. ELECTRONIC VOICE Continue to read the statement -- SUSANNAH ... on all British networks, terrestrial and satellite -- and have full unsimulated sexual intercourse with a pig. (sob; looks offscreen) I don’t understand. Julian pauses the recording again, just as a list of instructions appears. JULIAN The video ends with a series of technical specifications for the broadcast. We watch MICHAEL’s face register 500 bewilderments at once. He tries to speak. Nothing. He almost laughs. Then thinks again. He looks around: no-one makes eye contact. Finally: MICHAEL Why are you doing this? (beat) It’s a joke, right? Ha ha Mike. Ho ho. There is more silence. JULIAN It’s real. Michael stares at the table. Then back at the screen. Then at Alex, his confidant . MICHAEL Did she say “pig”? Sex with a pig.
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