

INT. THE BRAMBLES, STUDIO/REHEARSAL SPACE - DAY A converted chapel. Greg Raskin slips in. Ace paces back and forth on stage, band behind him. Nicky and Luke watch, tense. LUKE Let’s try it again. You got this! ACE I...I didn’t know there was a whole tour on the line -- NICKY Why the hell did you tell him? LUKE I thought it would motivate him! I’m not a shrink! NICKY No, you’re a goddamn CEO. Try acting like one. (to Ace) Do your breathing. Ace takes the mic. The band PLAYS. Ace misses his cue. He’s breathing heavily, his eyes dart. He starts to SHAKE. NICKY (CONT'D) Everybody out! The band rushes backstage as Ace falls to the floor. He’s having a VIOLENT SEIZURE. Nicky rushes to him. NICKY (CONT'D) It’s ok, baby... Greg calmly marches to Ace, touches his forehead. NICKY (CONT'D) Don’t you touch my son! GREG Is he on phenobarbital? Nicky nods. Greg looks Nicky straight in the eyes. GREG (CONT'D) I may be able to help him. Something in his gaze convinces her. She nods. Greg takes Ace’s face in his hands, stares into his eyes. Mouths words no one else can hear. In seconds, Ace is back. Nicky hugs Ace, who now holds a BLACK CRYSTAL, looks to Greg--

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