And returns it to the case. OFF Nicky, with no right answer, and no crown. EXT. A FIELD - MORNING Albie, Luke, Ace and several male FRIENDS and COUSINS, all with shotguns, follow Albie’s Lab, Dolly, through tall grass. Their eyes are all peeled for pheasant. All except Luke. LUKE It wasn’t my fault, Dad. ALBIE “I’m sorry, Mr. Roman, but Rose Entertainment doesn’t comport with my values.” What did you do? A pheasant flies overhead. Albie shoots, but misses. Other members of the party shoot and miss, too. LUKE Someone else lured him away! ALBIE Stop making excuses. LUKE I’m not. ALBIE You really want to do this now? LUKE I’ve got your attention for once. ALBIE Don’t get above your raisin’, son. LUKE
My “raisin’?” I was born in the VIP wing of a hospital in New York City and flown home in your private jet! ALBIE All your mother’s doing. And that’s why you’ve got no grit. You think Ace would be making excuses if he failed at something? No, because he’s been through things. He’s known real suffering, too -- ACE Hey Grandpa. Let’s not --
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