DOTTIE Sing for me, baby -- Nicky takes a deep breath, composes herself, and sings -- NICKY There is young cowgirl, who lives on the range -- (fully crying now) Her horse and her cattle were her only companions -- Dottie’s eyes start to close, she catches herself, sits up. DOTTIE It’s almost time... But I need to tell you something first. (stares into Nicky’s eyes) I’m not your father’s Rose. I killed her. And someone knows. Nicky’s eyes go WIDE. Dottie whispers something and Nicky leans in to hear as -- INT. BRAMBLES, MAIN HOUSE, HALLWAY - SAME Elated from her performance, Gigi steps down the hall toward her mother’s room. The door is closed. She puts her hand on the knob and turns. She opens the door and -- SHOCK and HORROR on Gigi’s face. REVERSE TO REVEAL: Nicky stands over their DEAD MOTHER. She turns, tears and mascara running down her cheeks. In her hands, the white silk pillow with Dottie’s final lipstick print on it. SMASH TO BLACK .
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