Big Leap - 1.14.19 - Revised Studio (CLEAN)


WAYNE Audition in any style you want today. Forty of you will advance. Those people will partner dance. We will pick twenty people and that will be The Big Leap Dance Company. We’ll start seeing people shortly! Everybody cheers! Wayne walks down to the orchestra pit to join Nick and Monica. NICK That was great. Couple things

before we start just so we’re on the same page. We’re trying to find personality. Crazy is not necessarily a bad thing. WAYNE I thought we were trying to find great dancers. MONICA All we’re going to find is type two diabetes.

Nick likes her acid tongue. NICK

Save it for the camera, sister.


INT. DETROIT OPERA HOUSE - LATER Monica and Wayne sit in the orchestra. A SPIDERMAN is on stage crunking. Terrible. MONICA Stop! No thank you. A CRAZY GUY does a JAZZ routine. It’s painful. A GUY walks onstage in a THONG. Before his music starts... MONICA (CONT'D) No! Pass! Keep moving. THEN: Julia’s turn. She does a beautiful contemporary ballet solo. Her lines are gorgeous. Monica waves the music off.

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