INT. DETROIT OPERA HOUSE - STAGE - DAY The forty dancers have been paired up. Monica watches, unhappily, as they practice a contemporary ballet waltz. Justin, paired with Julia, looks terrified. CAMERAS are everywhere and it’s making everyone jittery. MONICA
You’re rushing. Now you’re too slow. Now you’re just terrible. STOP. She adjusts Mike who is partnered with Paula. MONICA (CONT'D) Think about posture. Do it again.
The music starts and they begin to dance again. Monica is not happy. She DROPS the mic, startling everyone. Then she walks to the side and gets down on her knees. Silence. The dancers start to shuffle, exchanging glances. Justin leans forward: JUSTIN Um, Monica, are you-- MONICA (holds up a hand) I’m praying. I’m praying for you guys. I don’t know what else to do. IN THE ORCHESTRA PIT Nick, holding an iPad, approaches Wayne, laughing at Monica onstage. NICK She’s hilarious. She always like this? WAYNE
She blew out her knee last year. Her dance career’s over. She needs this to work more than either of us. NICK That’s good story for us. Listen, I just got off the phone with the network. Little worried about the lack of star power. Idea: Reggie Sadler. Tight end for the Detroit Lions.
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