Big Leap - 1.14.19 - Revised Studio (CLEAN)



Possibly. Unclear. JADE You said, “could explain.” That means you’re not sure. DR. KAPOOR We won’t know for sure until you’re dead and we do an autopsy, at which point you definitely won’t get better. You wanted an unbiased opinion. My unbiased opinion is you shouldn’t play football anymore.

EXT. DETROIT HOSPITAL - STREET - DAY Reggie and Jade talk. This is not the Reggie from Youtube. This Reggie is thoughtful and vulnerable. JADE What does he know? REGGIE He’s the head of neurology. JADE

We’ll go back again in a month. See how it looks. You’ll play again. However, you do need some income. REGGIE Yeah. I’m running out of stuff to sell. Gonna have to move in with my mamma soon. JADE I got a call about a reality show. We have a meeting tomorrow. Maybe it’ll be something. Who knows.


CUTE GIRL #1 Oh my god! Reggie Sadler! Can you take a picture with us? REGGIE Absolutely. The girls get on either side of him, putting their hands all over him. Jade rolls her eyes, but takes the picture.

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