Big Leap - 1.14.19 - Revised Studio (CLEAN)


EXT. ICE CREAM PLACE - 30 MINUTES LATER The three of them sit on a bench eating ice cream. Gina puts a hand under Gabby’s chin, turns her face. She’s kind. GINA Go to the show. Tell them they made a mistake. Get a second chance. GABBY I had my second chance! I blew it! GINA

I know that your depression is telling you terrible things right now about yourself and your future but I am telling you, your depression is a liar. You get so many chances in life. You just can’t see it. Go down there and talk to them. Nobody’s a better dancer than you. GABBY Why are you saying this to me? You thought it was a bad idea. GINA When you have a kid it’s like you project your baggage on them. I wanted you to be okay in a way that I understood. But I see that you’re not really okay. Me? I’m happy. I like my wine, my shows, my

grandson, going on dates. But you? You need a little more. Go get it. Gabby has tears in her eyes again. So does Gina. GABBY Okay.

INT. DETROIT OPERA HOUSE - ELEVATOR - DAY Mike stands in an elevator full of SEVEN YEAR OLD BALLERINAS WEARING FAIRY COSTUMES. Mike reads his copy of the Brené Brown book. Paula, the tap dancer is the only other adult in the elevator. She wears headphones. They are TWO FEET taller than the girls. Paula sees his book, pulls an earbud out. PAULA You’re reading Brené Brown?

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