Big Leap - 1.14.19 - Revised Studio (CLEAN)


INT. DETROIT OPERA HOUSE - NICK’S OFFICE - DAY Gabby walks in to where ERIN, Nick’s assistant, 20’s sits. Nick’s office door is open. There’s a meeting in progress. GABBY Who’s in there? ERIN Reggie Sadler. Nick wants him on the show. NICK (O.S.) We’re prepared to offer you two million dollars. INT. DETROIT OPERA HOUSE - NICK’S OFFICE - SAME TIME WAYNE You’ll have to audition of course. JADE Whoa! Audition? On camera? NICK He doesn’t have to audition. WAYNE Yes he does. This is a dance show. All the contestants have dance backgrounds. JADE No! I have to protect his brand. Come on, Reggie. Let’s go. (back to Nick)

I’m not gonna let him make a fool of himself auditioning to get into your loser a dance show.

Reggie and Jade walk out....

INT. DETROIT OPERA HOUSE - OUTSIDE NICK’S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS .... past Gabby, Nick close behind. Wayne and Monica follow. NICK

Right now his brand is crazy drunk asshole. What else you gonna do? JADE We’ll figure it out.

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