Big Leap - 1.14.19 - Revised Studio (CLEAN)


But they’re both smiling. Reggie gives her the side eye, something on his mind. He keeps his eyes on the TV. REGGIE Hey, what you heard earlier about concussions and dying and comas...? GABBY I didn’t hear a thing. REGGIE Cool. Reggie watches the ballet. It’s the end of the coda. The male dancer is lifting the ballerina into a gorgeous lift. REGGIE (CONT'D) We doing the lift? GABBY

What? No. God no. That’s... no. I don’t want to throw your back out. REGGIE You let me worry about my back. GABBY No. That’s like advanced. Plus, if you’re the one who gets lifted, you’re like special. You’re like the best one. The smallest one. (catching herself) Oh my god. REGGIE Listen to you. Spreading outdated patriarchal beauty standards. GABBY

What are you worried about the lift for? You know what you should be worried about? Not sucking. Come on. Get up. Partner me. He gets up, puts his arm on her shoulder, takes her hand. GABBY (CONT'D) Eyes on me. All a waltz is, is counting to three. One two three.. One two three... They begin to dance, getting into a little groove...

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