REGGIE How many calories are in an Advil? GABBY It just referred me to a therapist.
They laugh. Reggie puts down his burger. REGGIE Okay. How many calories am I? GABBY Oh, you mean like if I killed you and ate you? REGGIE Yeah. Roasted Reggie.
Gabby leans back, studies him, taking this very seriously. They’re officially flirting now. UNDER THE TABLE, Reggie’s feet bump into hers. GABBY What do you go? 220? 223? REGGIE 212. Pretty good. GABBY It’s another hidden, useless talent. Stand by. Gabby calculates on her phone, brow furrowed. It takes a beat or two. She looks up. GABBY (CONT'D) I’m gonna minus out the organs. REGGIE Sure. GABBY
You are... 96,500 calories and... 2135 points on Weight Watchers. REGGIE That is crazy. You’re insane. GABBY I was a dancer growing up. Weight is important so you can jump high and be lifted. Small was the same thing as desirable.
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