Big Leap - 1.14.19 - Revised Studio (CLEAN)


EXT. DETROIT - DAY Gabby and Sam share the pop tart as she walks him to his busy school, past brightly colored murals, past other parents saying goodbye to their kids. She’s wearing his backpack, quizzing him. Tons of affection here - these two are tight. GABBY Two quarters and a nickel. SAM Fifty five cents. Gabby gives him his backpack, leans down to kiss him. GABBY You’re a genius. I love you. Gabby watches him walk into the school, her smile fading as she imagines the day in front of her. Then she sees THREE LITTLE GIRLS doing a dance. It makes her smile again. Behind her, a bus pulls up with a sign on it: A silhouette of a dancer. The sign says: ARE YOU A DANCER? TAKE THE BIG LEAP. After a moment Gabby goes on her way. So does the bus. INT. KAISER PERMANENTE - HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT - DAY Gabby puts on a Kaiser lanyard as she walks through a sea of cubicles to get to hers. Everything is gray. We see her title: Gabby Taylor, Manager, Human Resources. She sits down, turns on her computer, and sighs, shoulders slumping. This is everything she didn’t want. PRE-LAP: Maroon Five’s Memories. Then, a MAN’S VOICE. MAN’S VOICE (O.S.) Okay, this one’s for you. In or out of the saddle... INT. SPIN CLASS - DAY Here is MIKE DEVRIES, 38, leading a spin class. Do you need your tire changed? Mike’s your guy. He’s fit, good looking and on the verge of a total breakdown. MIKE Find the rhythm. 70 to 75 RPM. One and two and one and two... I’m just gonna be miserable until I see you again but you? You have the best day ever.


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