Cory faces the men as the bus comes to a stop. CORY
This is Two Rock Con Camp. As you can see there are no fences. The dorms aren’t locked at night. You want to run, I can’t prevent you. Main road to town is a mile from here, right through the woods. I don’t say this to tempt you. I say this because I know you’ll be
tempted and I need you to know you won’t get far. When we catch you -- not if, but when -- it’s back to the concrete jungle with more time added to your sentence. (He lets that sink in.) You ready to see your new home? As the men start to get off the bus, Bode stops at Cory-- BODE Can I use the phone to call my lawyer? CORY Sure. You get phone privileges in 3 days. And we stay on Bode’s face, panicked as we -- 17 A beat up pickup pulls into the parking lot joining the other trucks that fill the lot. Jake and Everly, freshly showered and in street clothes, get out of the truck and walk in, past the big Smokey the Bear statue at the entrance. EXT. SMOKEY’S BAR AND GRILL - EVENING INT. SMOKEY’S BAR AND GRILL - EVENING 18 It’s a sea of Wrangler and Carhartt. This is a firefighter hangout. The jukebox plays something cool and country. They head to the bar where Arabella (our Olympic champion) is talking to the bartender MAYA THOMAS (40, a foodie transplant from San Francisco, Everly’s girlfriend). Jake kisses Arabella. JAKE How was the parade?
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