CAL FIRE Pilot Revised Network Draft 1.22.22




EXT. TWO ROCK CON CAMP - YARD - DAWN 20 The new inmates each stand in front of a 50 pound backpack. Manny addresses them, Cory at his side. MANNY

My name is Manny Robles. I’m your Cal Fire Captain. You can call me Cap. When you’re here in camp, Cory here is in charge. When you’re out on the fire line, I’m in charge. You work hard - do what I tell you, when I tell you, you will reduce your sentence and go home to your friends and family sooner.

He hands out sheets of paper.

MANNY (CONT'D) These are your 10s and 18s. 10 standard firefighting orders and 18 fire watch out situations. Memorize them. They can save your life or the life of the guy next to you. Okay. Grab your packs. Let’s go. BODE Where we going?

Manny points to a mountain. MANNY Up there. OFF the stunned faces of the inmates.


EXT. CAL FIRE STATION - DAY - ESTABLISHING 21 Tucked up against the mountainside, and looking more like a ski lodge than a firehouse, sits the Cal Fire station. Waving in the wind is the Stars and Stripes, as well as the red and white California State Flag featuring the iconic grizzly bear. 22 Vince, dressed in a shirt and tie, is wiping a coffee stain off his shirt when Everly enters, nervous. INT. CAL FIRE FIREHOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY


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