CAL FIRE Pilot Revised Network Draft 1.22.22


Everyone looks at Bode.

BODE (CONT'D) Goat has nothing to do with it. But the reason I have it is personal. If I could have a minute alone with you? Manny looks at Bode, what’s this guy’s deal? Turns to Cory. MANNY Take Mills outta here and give us a minute. Freddy gives Bode a look like “WTF” and leaves. MANNY (CONT'D) Okay. Talk. BODE I’m here because I robbed a guy at gunpoint. The owner of the liquor store. And he ...he stood up at my parole hearing and read a letter saying that he forgave me. That he hoped I could turn my life around. It’s the most generous thing anyone has ever done for me and I don’t deserve it. But I have to believe he knows something I don’t. And that you do, too. That the people who tell me if I work this program I can succeed. And I want to succeed. But I can’t do it here. This is my hometown. MANNY Why didn’t you tell me that on day one? BODE It’s ... it’s complicated. MANNY I can handle complicated. Bode looks pained. But he has to come clean if he wants to get out of here. But before he can say anything -- CAL FIRE DISPATCH (V.O.)

Two Rock, vegetation fire, rapid spread. Requesting all available crews --

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