CAL FIRE Pilot Revised Network Draft 1.22.22


Vince starts to walk away. Arabella, who’s been listening, walks with him -- ARABELLA

My dad was a logger before he joined Cal Fire. I spent all my summers with him. I tagged along on stuff that I probably shouldn’t have. VINCE What are you saying? ARABELLA I can drive a dozer.

OFF Vince, considering --


EXT. RIDGE - DAY 49 Jake and Everly push on to the ridge. The smoke is thick and embers from the nearby fire fly all around them. Everly pulls out her binoculars and looks. EVERLY This is getting bad. (into radio)

Command IC this is one-zero-four F- one. Spot fires surrounding left flank with heavy wind, rapid spread. JAKE Let me see --

He walks towards her, reaching out for the binoculars and he suddenly FALLS thigh deep into a STUMP HOLE. Flames engulf his leg. Suddenly Jake screams. JAKE (CONT'D) Owwww. Dammmit!! Everly starts to run towards him to get him out. JAKE (CONT'D) STOP. The ground is burning underneath, stay over there -- EVERLY I need to get you out -- Jake takes off his tool belt (including his small pack that has his fire shelter) ...

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