CAL FIRE Pilot Revised Network Draft 1.22.22


CHERYL Buckeye IC, request a direct channel --

OFF Cheryl --


EXT. WOODS - DAY 51 The inmates have made substantial progress. But it’s grueling. They look and see the Cal Fire guys packing up. Manny walks over -- MANNY Guys. Grab your tools, we’re gonna move to the right flank -- FREDDY You serious? We gotta hike up there? Toward the fire? MANNY No, we’ll hike around the back end. Let’s go. FREDDY This is crazy. We need a break. BODE Freddy -- Freddy is pissed and he throws his McLeod on the ground. FREDDY What?! I’m not going. I’m done. MANNY (angry)

Hey. You don’t throw a tool down like that. You hear me? That could hurt somebody -- FREDDY I’m hungry. And hot. And tired. And now I gotta hike to another place where I cut more line? For 5 bucks an hour? MANNY Freddy, get up.

Freddy doesn’t respond.

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