Jake stands there as the fire bears down on them all. EVERLY (shouting to Jake) Can you get over here? He tries but it’s slow moving. He’s in so much pain. She starts to get out of her fire shelter to get him just as the fire MOVES over her shelter. She pulls it over herself just in time. A wall of fire is bearing down on Jake as - Bode gets out of his fire shelter, grabs Jake and pulls him in, laying down on top of him and pulling the cover over the two of them as the fire ... BURNS OVER THEM. EXT. FIELD JUST OUTSIDE OF MIDDLETOWN - NIGHT 56 The dozers continue their relentless cut. Townspeople, led by Maya, are now standing in the field between the line and the town, using garden hoses and a makeshift bucket brigade to put out spot fires as they flare up, cheering the dozers on. 57 Pitch darkness. The sound of breathing. It’s almost quiet. Bode is still on top of Jake. EVERLY (O.S.) Jake! JAKE Yeah!!! EVERLY The fire’s gone. And suddenly their fire shelter is ripped away by Everly who looks beat up and freaked out, but alive. EVERLY (CONT'D) Damn. That was freaking insane. Copter’s on the way. Bode climbs off of Jake -- INT. FIRE SHELTER - LATER
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