JULIO When you don’t even live here? CORY
Her dad lives here so we claim her as our own. He’s the guy driving the truck. He’s also your Fire Captain. FREDDY That dude? Bode makes his way up to where Cory is sitting. BODE
Hey Cory ... my lawyer said I was supposed to go to the camp in Eel River. It was the whole reason I agreed to do this. CORY Well, you’ll need to take it up with her and she’s not here. BODE Yeah, but ...
Cory's not in the mood for bullshit. CORY Take a seat, Bode. OFF Bode, quietly beginning to implode.
EXT. GRASSLAND - DAY 14 The Cal Fire team fights the fire. The crew of six has split into two teams, one on the left flank of the fire, one on the right. Each team has one guy dousing the flames with a back pump (backpacks of water with hoses) while the others use McLeods (sharp-edged hoes) to dig a perimeter in the grass so the fire has no fuel to burn. We’re with Jake, Everly and Vince who are fighting to protect the structure as the fire bears down on it. Everly comes out of the house and radios to the others -- EVERLY (into radio) Structure clear, homeowners vacated.
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