Microsoft Word - EP418-90 - TITLE.docx

EP418-90 - "Red" - Network Draft - 1-30-13





Callen, Sam and Granger take in the scene. There are half a dozen more buckets, saucepans and containers of all shapes and sizes dotted around the floor collecting the water dripping steadily from the roof. KAI State of the art, my ass. Damn snow melt. How come those geniuses down in Washington didn’t think

about snow accumulating on the flat roof? A little waterproofing would have been a good idea while they were at it. And I went to Caltech

* *

for this?

(to Granger)

Hold still! SPECIAL AGENT PARIS SUMMERSKILL crosses from the bathroom, towelling her hair dry. She’s wearing jeans and a man’s wife- beater. PARIS Tell someone who cares, Kai. (beat) Do you care, Owen? GRANGER As long as I don’t have to write a memo about it. Kai takes the bucket. KAI Thanks. Sir. * And he continues on his rounds, emptying containers into the bucket. DANNY Callen, Sam... meet the boss, Paris * Summerskill. Paris extends her hand to Callen, then Sam. PARIS Callen, I’ve heard about you. And you, Sam. SAM All good we hope.


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