Microsoft Word - EP418-90 - TITLE.docx

EP418-90 - "Red" - Network Draft - 1-30-13





EDDIE’S VOICE (cont'd)

Sorry ma’am. I got a girl... The view swings off the milling crowd onto Eddie’s face, beaming into the camera. EDDIE ...Love you, Sara-baby... A big kiss to the camera and FREEZE FRAME on his happy face as the video ends. GRANGER That’s it? KAI

Couple of others... one from last month, the other... three months ago. CLAIRE Play it again... Kai obliges. The footage begins to play. CLAIRE (cont’d) Towards the end...

Kai fast forwards, then plays the last few seconds of tape. Foxy Lady on screen, she looks towards camera, it swings off her and onto Eddie. CLAIRE (cont’d) (tensing) Go back. Kai scrolls the footage backwards. CLAIRE (cont’d) Frame by frame. PARIS What are we looking for, Claire? CLAIRE She looks up, steps back... there...the guy, behind her... On the screen, a FAIR-HAIRED MAN, looking directly into the camera, startled, snaps his head away, putting his hand up to his face.


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