Microsoft Word - EP418-90 - TITLE.docx

EP418-90 - "Red" - Network Draft - 1-30-13





HETTY (cont'd)

Get his photo out to every major airport. Find him. (beat) Thank you, Miss Summerskill. Owen. GRANGER Hetty. Hetty looks to Eric, draws her finger across her throat - kill the feed. Eric kills the feed. HETTY Anything on Santoso’s apartment? NELL Kensi and Deeks are still working on it. Off Hetty, troubled... INT. BULLPEN - DAY 22 Deeks is sitting at his desk. Staring at The Box. Kensi nowhere to be seen. Deeks picks it up, weighing it in his hands. Puts his ear to it, gives it a shake. KENSI’S VOICE You could always open it. Deeks hastily puts the box down as Kensi enters. DEEKS Or you could just tell me what’s in it and why you gave it to me... KENSI Nearest traffic cam is two blocks from where Santoso was staying. No security cameras, no ATMs nearby. Kensi turns to the flat screen, which displays an aerial photo of Santoso’s neighborhood. KENSI (cont'd)


The gas station at the end of the street has three cameras, none of them point in the right direction. Deeks peers at the building across the street. DEEKS What’s this building?


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