Microsoft Word - EP418-90 - TITLE.docx

EP418-90 - "Red" - Network Draft - 1-30-13





DEEKS I wouldn’t say that... And he holds up the USB DRIVE. INT. OPS CENTER - DAY


28 CLOSE ON A FLATSCREEN as surveillance footage scrolls at high speed. KENSI’S VOICE Stop. Go back. Reveal Deeks and Kensi watching the footage from the USB Drive, Deeks manning the controls. ON SCREEN we see a van pull up at Santoso’s apartment. Five men exit the apartment and climb into the van, each carrying an overnight bag. KENSI Twenty four hours ago... DEEKS No prizes for guessing what’s in the duffle bags. Deeks picks a freeze frame, zooms in and enhances it. All of the men are Middle-Eastern in appearance. He rolls the footage, frame by frame. HETTY’S VOICE Stop. They both turn to see Hetty standing behind them, eyes fixed to the screen. She takes a step forward, staring hard at the faces. HETTY Oh, bugger. INT. LAVERNE & SHIRLEY - DAY 29


Dave hangs up the phone, looks to Paris. DAVE Got a name on the airport guy.


He pulls up a still frame of the Fair-Haired Man from the airport as Paris, Callen, Sam and the others gather.


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